FAA FACT SHEET on Air Travel by People With Disabilities

AIR TRAVEL BY PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES (PWD) This Fact Sheet is intended to address persons with questions and concerns about the travel of persons with disabilities as it relates to airports and airlines. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on September 11, security measures have been heightened for the safety of all. While safety […]

Communicating During Emergencies

During emergencies – local, state, and national – the importance of our country’s telecommunications and broadcast systems becomes clear. We use our phones to call 911 or to call our family members to make sure they are safe; we turn on our televisions and radios to get information updates. While there is no doubt that […]

Child Restraints on Aircrafts

Tips for Parents Using Child Restraints on Aircraft Proper use of an approved child restraint system (CRS) on an aircraft enhances child safety in the event of an accident. A CRS also provides protection for a child during turbulence. The FAA strongly recommends that all children who fly regardless of Their age, use the appropriate […]

Can I use my DISABILITY PARKING CARD in other countries?

Updated:Access & Inclusion – Reciprocal Recognition of Parking Badges In 1978, the ECMT Council of Ministers agreed that all Member Countries of the ECMT would grant the same parking concessions to people with disabilities as they offered to their own nationals. These concessions usually allowed special parking in areas reserved for people with disabilities, or […]

Avis Rent A Car Launches “Avis Access” for Travelers with Disabilities

Contact: Susan McGowan Susan.McGowan@Avis.com (973) 496 –3916 Complimentary Services to be Available in 100 Markets by Year End Orlando, FL, and Parsippany, NJ, October, 2003 — Avis Rent A Car System, Inc. has announced the nation’s first comprehensive accessibility program for travelers with disabilities. Dubbed “AVIS ACCESS,” the initiative was unfurled at the annual World […]

People First Language

To ensure INCLUSION, FREEDOM, AND RESPECT for people with disabilities, we must use PEOPLE FIRST LANGUAGE by Kathie Snow The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug. Mark Twain Who are “the handicapped” or “the disabled?” According to stereotypical myths, they are:People who […]