Disability Travel Websites

Society for Accessible Travel & Hospitality. Travel tips, access information, articles from Open World Magazine, useful links, information on upcoming events including the annual SATH World Congress. www.sath.org/   Listings of wheelchair accessible properties for sale and rent. Find your next home today. https://disabilitytodaynetwork.com/index.php/network/item/accessible-properties  Whether it’s a day trip or a long excursion, looking to explore or […]

Developmental / Cognitive Disabilities

The Guided Tour, 7900 Old York Rd., Suite 111-B, Elkins Park, PA 19027-2339; Tel: 215-782-1370, Fax: 215-635-2637. Email: director@guidedtour.com Web: https://guidedtour.com/ New Directions, 5276 Hollister Ave. #207, Santa Barbara, CA 91111; (805) 967-2841, 888.967.2841 Fax. 964-7344. Website: http://www.newdirectionstravel.org/ Sprout, 135 West 20th Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10011; (888) 222-9575, (212) 222-9575. E-mail: info@GoSprout.org  Web: https://gosprout.org/ […]

Books, Access Guides And Brochures

Access Amtrak. For a free copy, call (800)-USA-RAIL / TTY 800-523-6590. Available in alternate formats— Braille, large print, audio-tape and diskette (Word Perfect 5.1 and ASCII) (877) 268-7259. Website: www.amtrak.com Access in San Diego, 2000. Accessible San Diego, P.O. Box 124526, San Diego, CA 92112-4526; (619) 279-0704 / Fax. (619) 279-5118. Web: www.accessandiego.org. $3 donation. […]

Accessible Van, RV And Scooter Rentals

Special Needs at Sea, 2860 West State Road 84, Suite 107, Dania Beach, FL 33312. Tel. 1-800-513-4515; Fax. 1-800-513-4516. Website: http://specialneedsatsea.com/ Accessible Vans of America, 9 Spielman Rd. Fairfield NJ 07044 (888) 282-8267. Web: www.accessiblevans.com. (Nationwide). Accessible Vans of Hawaii, Tel: (808) 871-7785 Fax: (808) 871-7536 Website: http://www.accessiblevanshawaii.com/rentals.htm Alaska’s RV Broker, 7504 Nathan Dr., #A, Anchorage, […]

Accessible Lodging & Resorts

Microtel Inns & Suites, http://www.microtelinn.com/ada/index.asp?ref=sath Hawthorn Suites, www.hawthorn.com Freedom Shores, Campeche, Mexico. www.isla-aguada.com

Visor Cards For People Who Are Deaf And Hard Of Hearing

Free Visor Cards for Deaf People Now Available August 26, 2005. (Stewartstown, PA) Since the successful release last month of a visor card designed specifically for hard of hearing people, deaf people have clamored for a similar card designed specifically to meet their unique communication needs. Today, the Center for Hearing Loss Help released the […]

U.S. Department Of State

The U.S. State Department’s travel information website is the only online resource for the latest official requirements, passport information and applications, travel warnings, and other essential international travel information. Link

TSA – Travelers & Consumers Persons with Disabilities & Medical Conditions

Reprinted from TSA website: http://www.tsa.gov/public/display?theme=156 Persons with Disabilities & Medical Conditions In order to assist persons with disabilities or medical concerns, TSA has developed guidelines with input from various groups. We then trained our airport screeners in the methodology needed to ensure secure and comfortable screening at all TSA checkpoints. Please refer to the links […]

Toll Free Hotline for Air Travelers with Disabilities

The Toll Free Hotline for disabled air travelers has been in operation since August 2002 and is available for callers from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.Eastern Time, seven days a week. It is currently not being fully utilized. The Hotline serves two main purposes: (1) education and (2) assistance in resolving disability-related air travel problems. […]

Service Animals

COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT SERVICE ANIMALS IN PLACES OF BUSINESS 1. Q: What are the laws that apply to my business? A: Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), privately owned businesses that serve the public, such as restaurants, hotels, retail stores, taxicabs, theaters, concert halls, and sports facilities, are prohibited from discriminating against individuals […]