As you may know, in August 2002, my office, the Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings (Enforcement Office), established a toll free number that consumers who experience disability Related air travel problems may use to obtain information and assistance.
The office is staffed from 7 am to 11 pm local time in Washington, D.C., seven days a week and provides general information to consumers about the rights of air travelers with disabilities and assists air travelers in resolving time-sensitive disability-related issues that need to be addressed in real time. Unfortunately, many members of the public are still not aware of the existence of the hotline and as a result the hotline is not being sufficiently used.
At this time, the Enforcement Office asks that you advise members of your respective organizations about the existence of an aviation consumer Disability toll-free hotline and encourage them to call the hotline if they should experience disability-related air service problems. The toll-free number for the hotline is 1-800-778-4838 (voice) or 1-800-455-9880 (TTY).
The Enforcement Office is committed to improving the quality of air transportation for People with disabilities and believes that with your help the toll-free hotline Can be a major step towards accomplishing this goal.